There’s something very disconcerting about seeing the SCCM client pop up on a Mac, though I suppose we’ll get used to it in time. So far in our testing it’s proven very interesting. They’re both better than nothing, but they are good examples of enterprise software that’s designed and built by people who don’t really understand enterprise requirements. Please don’t tell me about Apple Remote Desktop or Profile Manager at this point. We have about 70 Mac clients, I guess, on top of about 1500 Windows clients, and those 70 clients need a dis-proportionate amount of time to manage, not because of any problems with Mac OSX as such, but rather due to the lack of real tools available to manage a large desktop roll-out.
One very interesting part of SCCM 2012 for us has been the support for Mac OSX that was added in SCCM 2012 SP1. We’ve been migrating from SCCM 2007 to SCCM 2012 at work.